Kentron TV has presented the results of the survey related to the Yerevan City Council elections conducted by the Gallup International Association.
It is noteworthy how the results of the survey are interpreted by the TV Company and the director of the Association.
“… Thus, 72.2% of the respondents have a great sympathy for the Prosperous Armenia Party, the second is” My Step “alliance with 70% votes …”
The reportage shows the following table:
Let us try to understand whether everything is as the reporter claims.
According to the table, 24.9% of the respondents have an “absolutely positive” attitude towards Prosperous Armenia Party, and 47.3% have a “rather positive” attitude. However, the reporter shows the sum of these two answers, i.e. overall 72.2%, but not the percentage ratio.
For comparison, let us look at the results of the My Step Alliance, which, according the reporter, is in the second place. 42.0% of respondents have an “absolutely positive” attitude towards the bloc (i.e. exceeding PAP by 19%), and 28.3% have a “rather positive” attitude. Adding these two numbers to each other is a methodological error.
By the way, “Kentron” TV did not speak about the “rather negative” and “negative” attitude, where the picture is the following:
“My Step” party alliance: rather negative 4.2%, negative 5.9%.
The Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP): rather negative 9.9%, negative 11.0%.
The next table shows the attitude towards party candidates.
Here too the reporter stresses the result of Naira Zohrabyan which is higher than the results of other candidates. 43.6% have a “rather positive” attitude towards the PAP candidate, compared to Hayk Marutyan’s result of 31.9%.
However, it should be noted that according to the same table, 39.5% of the respondents have an “absolutely positive” attitude towards Hayk Marutyan, while in Naira Zohrabyan’s case that percentage makes up 22.5%. And the TV Company is silent on this as well.
It should be reminded that in 2014 the press questioned the accuracy of the surveys conducted by Gallup International. According to surveys conducted by Gallup on Yerevan municipal authorities, 63% of 1066 citizens were satisfied with the work of the municipal authorities.
In 2015, political scientist Armen Grigoryan called Gallup’s surveys on constitutional reforms fraudulent surveys organized by the authorities. According to those surveys, 46% of the citizens considered that there was a need for constitutional reforms in Armenia.
Meanwhile, according to a survey conducted by another organization, 81% of Armenia’s population did not trust the process of constitutional amendments.
Karine Kirakosyan